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Traditional “Dropshipping” is dead

I Used This Little Known 2024 “A.I. Google Marketing System” 

To Build a $740,000 Online Store

While Ignoring What Every Dropshipping Guru
On The Internet Was Preaching

Without needing facebook ads, killing margins or constantly jumping between “trending products”

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Dropshipping Isn’t Dead

Dropshipping done with no effort like most beginners is dead.

Dropshipping done the same as everyone else watching YouTube videos is dead.

Dropshipping done with cheap crappy products, crappy packaging, and crappy delivery times is dead.

In other words

The Old Way of Doing Dropshipping is Dead!

You see the problem isn’t that dropshipping isn’t a viable business

The problem is every self-proclaimed guru online is raving about the same outdated strategies and tactics that worked back in 2019.

That’s why 99% of beginners who follow and listen to these gurus are failing miserably.

The #1 Reason Why Most Dropshipping Stores Fail

They follow the same outdated system that’s used by thousands of others

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Find a “winning” product with this research tool

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Build a basic store

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Spend your budget on FB ads to test

On paper, this isn’t a terrible plan.

The reason why it doesn’t work is because thousands of other newbies are doing the same damn thing.

If you follow in their footsteps here’s what’s going to happen:

The winning product you think you just found — well thousands of others found it too

Your basic-looking store will instantly put off new customers 

All your money will vanish running Facebook ads while making no sales

Your ad budget dries up before making your first sale

You end up at square one and you’ll either quit or try again

If you’re thinking there has to be a better way.

There is.

I Followed The “Guru” Way And Failed Too

For a year and a half I did the exact same thing

Run search for winning products, run Facebook ads, build an ok-looking store and hope for the best

And it got me nowhere.

I was bleeding out thousands of dollars and making zero sales

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And so were thousands of other dropshipping wannabes.

We were all competing against each other on the same platform where people AREN’T in buying mode.

And when our ad budget ran out, we stopped had to shut down the ads and stop selling.

Where do people ACTUALLY go when they want to buy?

That’s right - GOOGLE!

Knowing that

I Created My Own Marketing System That Leveraged Google’s Newest 2024 A.I. + Shopping Ads And Let Them Do All The Work For Me

Finding Winning Products, Targeting Ready-to-Buy Customers And Managing & Optimizing My Ad Campaigns

You don't have to be a kick-ass media buyer running FB ads and TikTok all day to have success in dropshipping.

Running FB and TikTok ads are a huge pain

You need to spend thousands just to test

You can only test one product at a time

And you need to wait weeks to see the result.

That's what I did for 18 months.

And what I got in return was seeing how all my money was going up in flames.

I’ve tried everything under the sun

Only to find out that the market was overcrowded with thousands of others selling the same thing.

So I decided to do something different

When I Shifted to This 2024 New A.I. Google Shopping Ads Approach Everything Changed

I Suddenly Started Seeing $50,000 in Revenue
Then $100k in Revenue
Then $200k in Revenue, and So On

Most dropshippers, will tell you that Google Shopping Ads are much more difficult to run compared to Facebook and TikTok Ads.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s actually easier, better, cheaper, faster, and overall superior.

Especially with the new 2023 - 2024 Google A.I. updates that are just getting better and better.

Let me show you why.

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Superior Testing

With Google Shopping Ads, you can find your winning products ten times as fast because you can test up to 50 products at once.

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2024 Google A.I. Will Be Your Media Buyer

Google has an AI system that runs and optimizes the ads for you. It can create the ad, the landing page, the headline and even tweak the words live depending on what people are searching for so they can find your ad.

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Google Traffic is Far Cheaper Than Facebook

Because Google targets people who are actively searching for your product, you will get lower costs and higher conversions compared to Facebook and TikTok who are interrupting people who aren’t necessarily looking to buy anything.

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Low Competition

99% of dropshippers are convinced that the only way to advertise is through Facebook and TikTok ads, leaving you with almost no competition when running Google Shopping Ads.

People Will Never Stop Spending Money Online

If you ever wanted to start a dropshipping store so you could tap into the $6.3 trillion global e-commerce market

And you want to have the highest changes of succeeding

Then this is the time to do it.

Because the potential is there

All you have to do is take my system, implement it and take your piece of the global e-commerce pie.

27% of the global population are digital buyers

21% of all retail sales happened online in 2023, compared to 14% in 2017

The number of online shoppers is increasing at a steady pace, with a 2.7% year-over-year increase projected in 2024.

The average online shopper spends more money than ever before, – the global average reaching $2,310 in 2021 with China and South Korea exceeding $4,200 per year.

There Are Dozens of Regular People Just Like You Cashing In On This “Gold Rush” Of Google Shopping Ads  

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Me and my friend have done just over 2k sales in a week (about £700 profit) . We created a Golf Niche Store as that’s what we know best. We have had great sales so far!

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Amazing Course! I was about to pay $4000 for a course and I thought I'd checkout Elliott's videos first. I would 100% recommend! I brought in just over 200,000 dollars in 94 days using Elliott's methods.

And you can too…

I Burned Thousands of Dollars for 18 Months Trying to Crack Dropshipping So You Don’t Have To

I literally tried everything

General stores, niche stores, guru courses, YouTube videos, new products

I wasted money testing products one by one

I wasted months going in circles with a process that no longer works.

Everything I tried came nothing close to Google Shopping Ads

But you don’t have to go through the same trial and error experience I had.

Meet Your Instructor:

Elliott Prendy

Online Entrepreneur & Ecomm Expert

Hey! My name is Elliott and 7 years ago I was working a 9-5 as a Digital Marketing Tutor.


I was overworked, and underpaid and I was sick of selling my time to someone else.


I knew there had to be a better way. It took me over four years of failing, trying, and testing to discover the power of Google Shopping Ads and I spent another two years perfecting and systemizing a system that could generate cash for me while I sleep.


After building a REAL business & an ACTUAL brand that allowed me to rake in over $700k in just a few years.


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I managed to quit my 9-5 job at the age of 27.


Work on my own terms, traveled the world, and bought my first property in the UK without the help of family, friends, or a spouse.


After teaching dozens of others the new way of building a profitable dropshipping business and helping them get some amazing results.


I decided to condense everything I knew into a step-by-step online course.


So you can save thousands of dollars and avoid wasting years of life trying to figure it all out yourself.


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The Never-Seen-Before 2024 Marketing System That Leverages Cutting Edge A.I. Technology + Easy Google Shopping Ads To Build a Profitable Online Store In Just 15 Hours a Week

I’ll Take You Behind the Scenes and Show You Step-by-step, Brick-by-Brick How A.I. and Google Built Me a Multiple 6 Figure Online Store So You Can Do the Same

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Implement the Same A.I. Strategies + Google Marketing Best Practices That Got Me to $740,000 and Skyrocket Your Way to a Profitable Online Store

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Over The Shoulder Lessons

I’ll personally guide you through each step with walkthroughs and step-by-step video tutorials telling you what buttons to click and what key to type so you can simply follow and execute your way to success

Complete Case Study from $0 to $740k 

Watch my journey from start to finish and learn exactly how I managed to create multiple long-term profitable dropshipping brands. I left nothing out.

Tools, Strategies, and Tactics

Every single tool, strategy, and tactic you need to get your store to generate $740k is inside this course. You’ll have everything I ever used in your back pocket so you can instantly get sales and start scaling.


Be a part of an ongoing community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey as you. Join live Q&A sessions together, network, share experiences and get help anytime you need it.

Here’s Exactly What’s Inside Dropship Daily

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When You Join Dropship Daily Today You’ll Also Get Instant Access To My Private Discord Channel

Every member who joins will get access directly to me on this Discord channel. You can ask literally anything that comes up and I’ll tell you what to do. When things go south or you’re facing a problem.

I’ll tell you exactly what to do, what support team to go to, what ads to eliminate, what products to change, etc.

There will be no guesswork here. I’ll make sure you have all the support you need every step of the way.

I normally don’t run support communities because I simple don’t have the free time. But for a handful of people who joining the Dropship Daily I’ll make an exception. Because I know you’re one of the few dedicated people that want to make things happen.

And I’d love to help you smash your goals and build the dropshipping store that will transform your life. 

Also I Wanted To Make Sure You Can Try Out Dropship Daily Completely Risk-Free That’s Why When You Join You Won’t
Have 30 Days To Test Drive It.

You have 60 days to implement the process and test at least 30 products. If you’re not happy with the results, you get a full refund.

Build a Branded Dropshipping Store In as Little  and Start Your Journey to a 6 Figure
Dropshipping Business

Claim Your $2,500 Worth Of Video Case Study Breakdowns, Google Shopping Ads Training & All Bonuses

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The Dropship Daily Complete Course

Private Discord Community

Today's Price:


One-time payment. Money-back guarantee.

But Don’t Delay

Once 100 People Join Dropship Daily, I Will Increase The Price Significantly.

The Last Thing I Want is For Everyone to Have Access to My Google Shopping Ads System. So If You Don’t Buy Today, The Next Time You Visit This Page The Price Could Be a Lot Higher

Frequently Asked Questions

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